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Friday, August 21, 2020

16 Classic Russian Jokes

16 Classic Russian Jokes Russian amusingness can be hard to see regardless of whether you talk familiar Russian. This is regularly in light of the fact that numerous Russian jokes play on social generalizations, political occasions, mainstream society, and Soviet-time films. Russian jokes are called Ð °Ã° ½Ã° µÃ° ºÃ°'ð ¾Ã±â€š and have a one of a kind history. The first Ð °Ã° ½Ã° µÃ° ºÃ°'ð ¾Ã±â€šÃ±â€¹ came to Russia through the European convention of telling intriguing, regularly entertaining stories. They were famous in the noble circles and in the end formed into the exemplary joke like those in the West. Be that as it may, these jokes took on a political inclination during the 70 years of the Soviet period. This one of a kind point of view took into consideration the improvement of an irregular, explicit Russian diversion portrayed by its topics of political or social importance. Soviet Jokes About Political Leaders <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/CUsE7I4Y7PwhpltvDTepsg9Hzgc=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/like-father-like-child representation with-huge mustaches-509859006-bc9c93c39131420c9900e988d1baf7f1.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/T6nx1y3RjIxMAPqYsbPYMTUlZA0=/742x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/like-father-like-child picture with-enormous mustaches-509859006-bc9c93c39131420c9900e988d1baf7f1.jpg 742w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/GZ9er02QwLhueP7Kh8UIf7B7Y8I=/1184x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/like-father-like-child picture with-large mustaches-509859006-bc9c93c39131420c9900e988d1baf7f1.jpg 1184w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/5gmNPNGsQTv7XQbu1i3xfO6OTlg=/2068x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/like-father-like-child picture with-huge mustaches-509859006-bc9c93c39131420c9900e988d1baf7f1.jpg 2068w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/lHOE-OcNQWzpO6ovMGe5p06jVcM=/2068x1450/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/like-father-like-child representation with-enormous mustaches-509859006-bc9c93c39131420c9900e988d1baf7f1.jpg src=//:0 alt=Like father like child - representation with enormous mustaches class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-7 information following container=true /> Imgorthand/Getty Images Soviet political pioneers gave a ton of material to new jokes, particularly Stalin, Brezhnev, and Khrushchev, because of their odd or entertaining conduct just as the dumbfounding and claustrophobic nature of the Soviet life. 1.Thats enough of playing, said Brezhnev, sticking his eyebrows right in front of him. 2. Brezhnev is talking at a gathering meeting. Who said that I can possibly talk when I have the discourse before me? Ha, run, ha, run, ha, run. 3. - Do you have a side interest, Leonid Ilyich?- obviously! I gather kids about myself.- Have you got many?- Two and a half work camps as of now! Jokes About Everyday Soviet Life Life was troublesome in the Soviet Union, with stores frequently showing void racks and governmental issues creating an elevated level of pressure and doubt. Individuals were horrendously mindful of the absence of things that were viewed as totally standard abroad. All creation was done inside the nation and everything was dark and burdensome contrasted with what was being delivered in the West. Individuals reacted by concocting jokes that played on the difference between life in the Soviet Union and life somewhere else. 4. Two tape players get together. One is Japanese, the other is Soviet-made. The Soviet one says:- Is it genuine that your proprietor has gotten you another tape?- Yeah.- Can I have a bite? 5. - What might you do on the off chance that they opened the outskirts?- I would climb a tree.- Why?- So I dont get executed in the rush. Jokes About Contemporary Life in Russia 6. They got Bin Laden. Washed him, gave him a hair style, turned out it was Berezovsky. 7. An assembly line laborer in a Western nation demonstrates his home to his Russian associate.- Heres my room, this one is my wifes, this is my oldest girls, that is our lounge area, at that point the visitor room... etc.The Russian visitor gestures and says, after stopping for a moment:- Well, its fundamentally like mine. Just we dont have the inner dividers. New Russians Jokes <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/cyZdwgkIh4BJoq9Gqx2YsPUh3Ow=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/young lady in-kokoshnik1002893720-4ad8aa003c1a47599b98a5022cbaf0d0.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/Cv8bPn43H7LD74qioPoizVr5Db8=/754x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/young lady in-kokoshnik1002893720-4ad8aa003c1a47599b98a5022cbaf0d0.jpg 754w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/gZTFJM5IigQSjZ93-Hsb30PN_u4=/1208x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/young lady in-kokoshnik1002893720-4ad8aa003c1a47599b98a5022cbaf0d0.jpg 1208w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/ - JTdzU7XtkppYtMwhT6F737E2bo=/2119x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/young lady in-kokoshnik1002893720-4ad8aa003c1a47599b98a5022cbaf0d0.jpg 2119w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/tktxHF2wus06USN7J-2tAN-GoOI=/2119x1414/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/young lady in-kokoshnik1002893720-4ad8aa003c1a47599b98a5022cbaf0d0.jpg src=//:0 alt=Young lady in kokoshnik. class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-29 information following container=true /> Arndt_Vladimir/Getty Images New Russians showed up during the 1990s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, as the Russian nouveaux wealth. They immediately turned into the subject of numerous jokes because of their absence of culture, training, and habits, just as their gaudy tastes. New Russians were normally portrayed as low in insight and dependent on cash to unravel everything. 8. Two New Russians are driving in a Jeep and see a sign Traffic police - 100m. One of them takes out his wallet and starts to check the cash. At that point he murmurs and says You realize what, Vovan, I dont think we have enough for a hundred cops. 9. A New Russian says to a draftsman:- I need you to fabricate three pools: one with cold water, one with warm water, and one with no water.- Why might the third one not have any water?- Cuz a portion of my companions cannot swim. Jokes About Lenin <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/emfCU2eGTYrAtTV0oPCW9Asjgig=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-shells with-googly-eyeslie-on-the-sand-and-take a gander at-an-old-soviet-banknoteten-rubles-ussr-with-lenin-picture close-up1134463113-74cf7806067c4f2aadcffed1d7cfefa1.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/C9qJi1MEyiVMCOS8723-pZPxTgA=/755x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-shells with-googly-eyeslie-on-the-sand-and-take a gander at-an-old-soviet-banknoteten-rubles-ussr-with-lenin-representation close-up1134463113-74cf7806067c4f2aadcffed1d7cfefa1.jpg 755w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/vkND1dxQWa76cKi_tdY77CppRSs=/1210x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-shells with-googly-eyeslie-on-the-sand-and-take a gander at-an-old-soviet-banknoteten-rubles-ussr-with-lenin-representation close-up1134463113-74cf7806067c4f2aadcffed1d7cfefa1.jpg 1210w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/KK5g8wbC4yjKkJ4qkKqLM_7_Ov8=/212 1x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-shells with-googly-eyeslie-on-the-sand-and-take a gander at-an-old-soviet-banknoteten-rubles-ussr-with-lenin-picture close-up1134463113-74cf7806067c4f2aadcffed1d7cfefa1.jpg 2121w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/TFidMLZw0mtjkmXqXd5qLb-RSFo=/2121x1414/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/two-shells with-googly-eyeslie-on-the-sand-and-take a gander at-an-old-soviet-banknoteten-rubles-ussr-with-lenin-picture close-up1134463113-74cf7806067c4f2aadcffed1d7cfefa1.jpg src=//:0 alt=Two shells with googly eyes, lie on the sand and take a gander at an old Soviet banknote. Ten rubles USSR with Lenin picture close-up. class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-37 information following container=true /> Andrei Vasilev/Getty Images Much the same as other political pioneers, Lenin has been the object of numerous Russian jokes. His character qualities, his way of discourse, and his post-demise remain at the Moscow catacomb are for the most part mainstream themes. 10. A drained dad of six gets back home following a night move. The children encompass him and request to play. He says:- Okay, lets play a game called Mausoleum where Ill be Lenin and youll be the gatekeepers. 11. A writer interviews Lenin.- Vladimir Ilyich, how could you think of the motto Study, study, and study?- I didnt concoct anything, I was simply evaluating another pen! Jokes About Lieutenant Rzhevsky Lieutenant Rzhevsky is an anecdotal character in a play by Aleksandr Gladkov and the film dependent on the play, The Hussar Ballad. Having both negative and positive character attributes, Rzhevsky turned into a well known subject of Soviet jokes after the arrival of the film. In spite of the fact that the first character isn't that quite a bit of a womanizer, it is this attribute specifically that rules the jokes about him. Strikingly, the jokes for the most part additionally include Natasha Rostova, one of the primary characters of Tolstoys War and Peace. The explanation behind this is while Rzhevsky speaks to a profane, exceptionally sexualized military man, Natasha Rostova portrays the more conventional beliefs of a lady as found in Russian culture as a bashful and enchanting character. The differentiation between them makes a lot of chances for jokes. 12. Natasha Rostova is at a ball.- It is awfully hot in here. Lieutenant Rzhevsky, maybe we could open something?- With my most noteworthy delight! Okay incline toward champagne or cognac? 13. - Chaps, Im so sick of the regular old games! Why dont we go to the performance center? They are put

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Finding Test Helps That Is Best Suited For the Individual

Finding Test Helps That Is Best Suited For the IndividualMany times, it can be difficult to know what the right test help for someone else might be. A quick search for 'test help' will bring up many different resources, but very few answers. How do you find the right help that is tailored to the individual?The answer, of course, lies in the type of test that needs to be taken. The specific amount of time that a test might take depends on which test is being asked to determine a specific area of knowledge or skill.For example, the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) is often used to determine whether a person is going to be a good candidate for college or whether they are best suited for another academic arena, such as career or psychology. It is most commonly used by people who are college bound and who have an excellent ability to study.In this case, a short answer quiz and a multiple-choice or essay based test are both used, though the types of questions will vary depending on the compl exity of the subject being covered. People are normally given plenty of time to answer all their tests before tests can even begin.It's also common for people to be asked to test if they know anything about human subjects, biology, anatomy, psychology, or other fields. These types of questions will require subjects such as biology, anatomy, and physiology to be properly understood, not only in terms of the scientific method but also with regards to anatomy and physiology itself. Students who understand the purpose of anatomy and physiology but don't necessarily know the scientific method can sometimes use test help with questions in the humanities.Other subjects that will require more test help than some students might expect include math, chemistry, and physics. Some tests might ask students to calculate and compare two things, for example. Others might even try to figure out how a product should be made.In addition to teaching the proper use of the tools, tests will also need to b e taken to make sure that they are consistent in form. Many times, students will learn that their math works the same as a test they've seen before, or that they're having difficulty finding the correct way to solve a problem. By getting rid of an outdated version of a test and installing the current one, students can make sure that they are doing the proper thing.As long as the correct amount of time is allotted for each test, the ability to use test help should not be overlooked. When students need help with a certain type of test, it's best to find the right kind of help and take the appropriate level of tests to ensure the proper skills are being applied.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hlt 362v Workbook Exercise 18 - 698 Words

1. In comparing men and women, which group had higher body image scores? Provide a rationale for your answer. Women had higher body image scores with a X_ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  73.07 compared to men with a X_ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  60.22. With this study, the higher the mean, the greater the body image scores. Thus, the higher mean for women’s body image scores showed that women have stronger body image scores than men. 2. Men had higher variability in weight change over the last 12 months when compared to women. Is this statement true or false? Provide a rationale for your answer. True. SD indicates variability or spread of scores. Men had higher variability in scores with a SD ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  22.40 versus women with a SD ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  13.63. This shows that women had less variation in their†¦show more content†¦Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of female body image scores is normal, 99% of the women’s scores fall between (29.39, 116.75). Calculation: X_ï‚ ±Ã¯â‚¬  2.58(SD) X_ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  73.07 SD ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  16.93 73.07 −ï€  2.58(16.93) ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  73.07 −ï€  43.68 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  29.39 73.07 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  2.58 (16.93) ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  73.07 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  43.68 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  116.75 Expressed as (29.39, 116.75) 7. Assuming that the distribution is a normal curve, 99% of men were between what ages? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of men’s ages in the sample is normal, 99% of the men were between the ages (21.04, 63.36). Calculation: X_ï‚ ±Ã¯â‚¬  2.58 (SD) X_ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  42.2 SD ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  8.2 42.2 −ï€  2.58(8.2) ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  42.2 −ï€  21.16 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  21.04 42.2 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  2.58(8.2) = 42.2 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  21.16 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  63.36 Expressed as (21.04, 63.36) 8. Assuming that the distribution is a normal curve, 95% of men were between what ages? Round your answer to two decimal places. Assuming that the distribution of men’s ages in the sample is normal, 95% of the men were between the ages (26.13, 58.27). Calculation: X_ï‚ ±Ã¯â‚¬  1.96 (SD) X_ ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  42.2 SD ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  8.2 42.2 −ï€  1.96(8.2) ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  42.2 −ï€  16.07 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  26.13 42.2 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  2.58(8.2) ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  42.2 ï€ «Ã¯â‚¬  16.07 ï€ ½Ã¯â‚¬  58.27 Expressed as (26.13, 58.27) 9. Did HIV-positive participants have signifi cantly higher body image scores than those with AIDS? Provide a rationale for your response. No. It shows in the Study Results, HIV-positive participants’ mean score for body image was 68 compared to 60.5 for those with AIDS. These two groups were

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prison Overcrowding Essay - 2352 Words

In the 1970s and 1980s, a massive amount of inmates began fillin up the United States prison systems. This huge rate of growth in this short amount of time, has greatly contributed to the prison overcrowding that the United States faces today. In fact, the prisons are still filled to the seams. This enormous flood of inmates has made it practically impossible for prison officials to keep up with their facilities and supervise their inmates. One of the main reasons why many prisons have become overcrowded is because of states’ harsh criminal laws and parole practices (Cohen). â€Å"One in every 100 American adults is behind bars, the highest incarceration rate in the world† (Cohen). The amount of inmates in corrections systems, throughout the†¦show more content†¦One major problem of prison overcrowding is the effect it has on prison organizational stability. The more prisoners and people put in jail have made it harder for prison guards and staff to monitor and control them. The entire prison system must make enormous changes in order to accommodate for the number of inmates versus the number of prison guards (O’Leary). This often results in a misclassification of offenders. Many who come through the system are classified based on the amount of space available instead of on the security level and programs that would be most suitable for them (Howard). â€Å"It is not uncommon to find inmates, classified as medium security, incarcerated in maximum security institutions, while other inmates are in medium security who were previously considered candidates for maximum security† (Howard). Misclassifying offenders often leads to â€Å"slow progress through the corrections system as well as a slow exit† (Howard). This in turn only prolongs and increases the overcrowding problem (Howard). The corrections programs should be reformed to meet the needs of the inmates rather than the inmates having to adjust to meet the requireme nts of the system. Offenders need to be on specific rehabilitation programs that are customized to fit their needs, such as alcohol and drug abuse programs and so forth. While the inmates have to suffer the effects of overcrowding, so do theShow MoreRelatedPrison Overcrowding1187 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes† rule in California andRead MorePrison Overcrowding2966 Words   |  12 Pagesâ€Å"Prison Overcrowding: Using Proposals from Nevada and California to Recommend an Alternative Answer† By: Casey Apao For: Dr. Sarri CSN Fall 2010 Dedication: â€Å"I, the undersigned, Casey Apao hereby certify that without the assistance of Henry Apao this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper wouldn’t be done.† Signed , Casey Apao Disclaimer: â€Å"I, Casey Apao hereby certify that this Critical Thinking Scientific Paper is the result of my sole intellectualRead MoreOvercrowding Prisons And The Prisons Essay1785 Words   |  8 PagesAlma Gonzalez Professor Shaw SOC 474OL 11 August 2016 Overcrowding Prisons Prisons were essentially built to accommodate a number of prisoners, but over the years, it has reached over capacity. Today in the United States, there are approximately 193,468 federal inmates that consist of the Bureau of Prisons Custody, private managed facilities and other facilities. The inmates ages range from 18- 65 with the median age being in their late 30’s. This number is counting both male and female populationRead MoreArticle Report On Overcrowding Of Prison Overcrowding1074 Words   |  5 Pages Clark, Charles S. Prison Overcrowding. CQ Researcher 4 Feb. 1994: 97-120. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. This article discusses overcrowding in the United States prison system, due in part to mandatory prison sentences. Additionally, this article also discusses the challenges in managing the overpopulation of prisons and gives an objective look at solutions, to include building more prisons, to combat overcrowding. While the author does not include information about himself and his qualifications, hisRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1572 Words   |  7 Pagesthe past 30 odd years, California’s prison population has grown by 750 percent (â€Å"California’s Perpetuating Prison Crisis†). As this percentage perpetuates to make substantial gains, inmates are suffering in confinement cells, officials are negotiating over the issue, and the public is protesting to make their opinions count. The prison crisis has continued to grow over the years, causing a great uproar among all of California’s 32 state prisons. Prison overcrowding has been an increasingly vital issueRead MoreThe Overcrowding Of Prison And Massachusetts1261 Words   |  6 PagesAfter exploring options of which states had the most overcrowding in prisons, the best option to go with was California because states like Alabama and Massachusetts did not have current statistics. If anything, their statistics were from 2016 or 2013, making data harder to collect. Therefore, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website, the most recent report they have of the total population is as of midnight February 8, 2017. The total population is 180,885Read MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overcrowding1166 Words   |  5 PagesBlackboard #1: Realignment Prison overcrowding has always been a problem in California prisons. It has been growing over the year and has now lead the United States Supreme Court to take part in trying to find a solution to this problem. Because of this issue, Plata litigation came through and had a significant impact on the way we see community corrections. The ruling in the Plata litigation in turn lead to AB 109 or The Public Safety Realignment Act to be implemented as a solution to California’sRead MorePrison Overcrowding Essay1184 Words   |  5 Pages Prison Overcrowding Nicole Neal American Intercontinental University Abstract This research paper is to explore the impact of prison overcrowding. The United States has a, what seems to be everlasting, prison overcrowding problem. Not only does the United States have this dilemma, but also many other countries have overcrowded prisons as well. Many issues need to be addressed; ways to reduce the prison populations and how to effectively reduce prison cost withoutRead MorePrison Overcrowding And Its Effects934 Words   |  4 Pagesassignment is to take a look at an existing issue within the American criminal justice system which is prison overcrowding and its effects. Imprisonment is the primary means of punishment in American society for crimes (Ross, 2010; Verro, 2010). In fact, the incarceration rate in America surpasses several other developed nations, due to having over two million inmates presently serving time in prison (Brazell, Crayton, Mukamal, Solomon, and Lindahl, 2009; Vacca, 2004). The American criminal justiceRead MoreThe Problem Of Prison Overc rowding1395 Words   |  6 Pagesthe criminal justice system is prison overcrowding. To examine a nation’s soul, all one has to do is look inside of its prisons. Even though we have 5 percent of the world’s population we have 25 percent of the world’s prison population. The makeup of our prison population range from first time drug offenders to serial killers. Prisons serve a necessary function in society if used properly to keep the worst of the worst of the streets. In the last 40 years prisons has become a hammer where every

Improving the Operation Management of an Organization

Question: Write a report about improving the operation management of an organization. Answer: Introduction This report is about improving the operation management of an organization. For this assignment, Coles Supermarket has been selected. The company has more than 30% market share of the Australian supermarket industry. There are more than 720 stores of Cole's are operating in Australia ("Coles" 2016). The principal business objective of the organization is to increase revenue and customer base in order to gain a competitive advantage in the Australian market. It has been found that presently this super market of Australia is facing various issues related to operation management. In this assignment, a brief description of the operation process of the company has been given with the help of a process map. All the flaws of the business process having a severe impact on the business performance of Cole's super market have been analyzed. The current performance of the organization regarding five major performance objectives namely cost, quality, speed, dependability, and flexibility has als o been measured. This analysis helps to find out the business objectives of the organizations, which need to be improved. Depending on the performance analysis, appropriate recommendations have been suggested to the organization so that it can reconfigure its business process. Company Background Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd is the chain of Australian supermarket owned by Wesfarmers, which was founded by G. J. Coles in the year 1914. At present, it has 776 supermarkets including BI-LO operating throughout Australia. It employs over 100,000 employees and accounts approximately 80% of revenue for Australia along with Woolworths. Its headquarters is in Hawthorn East, Melbourne. The CEO and managing director of the organization is John Durkan. According to 2015 census, Coles revenue is A$ 31.00 billion and operating income is A$ 1.783 billion. This represents a steep growth in revenue at the rate of 5.4%; It accounts for total assets of A$ 19.08 billion approximately ("Coles" 2016). The new management team of Coles has restored pride in the brand name and has formulated a six-point plan to strengthen the trust of the Australians by delivering quality products, service, and value. Coles has focused to deliver high quality fresh products consistently and has always stepped ahead to improve customer experiences. They have rolled out new formats for the stores, launched campaigns like Down-Down for lowering the price, and has mentored its employees to develop skills in selling and serving with personality ("Coles" 2016). It also aims for the welfare of animals by sourcing responsible initiatives including phasing out sow stalls for swine farming and cage-free Coles brand eggs. It has also maintained a persistent and successful partnership with the suppliers and lowered the weekly shop of the customers. They have also launched an online site for the sale of their products from the year 1999 ("Coles" 2016). Company Processes They conduct business keeping in mind that they have a responsibility towards their customers, community, suppliers and the environment. This responsibility affects every facet of their business, and they work in harmony to perform and develop a little better each day. The soft plastic packaging that the customers bring home can be disposed in the specially marked bins in any store of Coles. This practice is named as RED cycle plastic bags and packaging recycling program ("Coles" 2016). The plastic bags thus collected from such bins are recycled and turned into outdoor furniture for the Aussie primary pre-schools and schools. Thus, they are working in collaboration with the customers to provide better environment results. They are in constant practice to improve their efficiency within their supply chain, focusing on reducing wastes and emission of greenhouse gases and adopting methods of recycling. In spite of their vast expansion, they have significantly reduced the use of energies since 2009. Coles use LED lighting, solar power and energy efficient refrigerators in the stores to reduce the power consumption. It also reduced vehicle movement by using the rail transport or domestic line-haul transport for carrying the stocks. The automatic adjustment of the air conditioners based on the number of individuals present in the store is another way to reduce the energy consumption ("Coles" 2016). Coles has committed to reduce the negative impact on the environment by investing in significant environmental policies and partnerships to achieve their objectives and goals further (Ball et al. 2013). They aim to deliver the best quality products to the customers, which are produced in an ethical and responsible way. They simply aim to work towards a sustainable future by supporting the farmers and the local community. Coles supports the suppliers, local farmers, and manufacturers to that extent where the suppliers can extend their business alongside and continue to deliver quality products to the customers. They keep their dealings transparent to ensure strong collaboration and long-term partnership with them. Coles Nurture Fund gives interest-free loans to small and medium entrepreneurs and developing industries to grow and improve their business (Michael and Mottram 2013). Coles Indigenous Food Fund supports native bush foods and indigenous enterprises for the sale of indigenous products through Coles. Coles tries to share their Ethical Sourcing Policy with their partners and suppliers. This Policy is a commitment to purchase products which are manufactured and provided without any exploitation or pose any kind of danger to health, safety and environment (Michael and Mottram 2013). They cite clear instructions to their team members and suppliers about their processes and social standards which they expect to follow in the process of supplying branded products of Coles. They also audit the suppliers regularly to make sure that they are following their standards and they arrange corrective action plans if they fail to observe so. However, if such standards are repeatedly breached then Coles retains the power to terminate their business agreement. Their ethical standards are based on Ethical Trade Initiative and International Labour Organization Convection where they respect local laws (Webster 2015). Child labour is strictly prohibited, appropriate working hours and wages is provided, freedom association and collective bargaining is permitted, no discrimination is permitted and employment is chosen freely and regularly and in all their actions the environme nt is given due regards. It won Fair trade Retail Chain of the Year in 2014 for widely promoting Fair trade Certified products (Ball et al. 2015). Coles believes that Australia is the best food producer in the world, thus they aim to deliver Australian food products wherever they can. They enter into long-term agreements with the local farmers and suppliers to furnish certainty and install confidence in them to invest in their growing business. This achieves long-term relationships with the suppliers. They have launched Coles Supplier Charter that describes what suppliers can expect when they deal with Coles. It represents their seven-point formula regarding commitment to deal with the suppliers in good faith and transparency throughout their relationship (Ball et al. 2015). They commit to the supply of grocery and transparency in de-listing. It respects the integrity of the supplier's business and facilities their trading relationship. They have significant buyer power in the freshly produced product market that affects the quality of the products and the suppliers. It has habitually approached retailing of grocery from demand -oriented standpoint that refers to the seasonal produce, which is kept under controlled atmosphere all the year round and is ripened artificially to satisfy the continuous demands of the customers (Ball et al. 2015). Coles commits to staying ahead of the issues that can affect their industry. Hence, they chose to commission independent researches on a wide range of issues to balance the media, at the same time contribute to political debates, and inform its customers. Recent research has shown that sharing the retail price between the farmers, processors and Coles have greatly benefitted them regarding profit as well as reputation (Webster 2015). It has also committed to promoting the welfare of its workers and it makes sure that the workers are satisfied and are treated fairly. They have help lines to report any unfair labour practices. Apart from these, Coles is engaged in various charitable works where they donate a percentage of their profit on the sale of certain specified products. They proudly support the charitable organizations throughout Australia and the dedicated team members, and its customers raise awareness and funds for the worthy causes. In the last financial year, Coles has dire ctly contributed $36.5 million approximately, and $7.2 million approximately was contributed by its customers, suppliers and team members to charitable causes ("Coles" 2016). Coles aims to follow the London Benchmark Group framework to measure its community investment. They have also generated wide employment opportunities, which have been cited as a boon for the Australians. They have also focused on legislation relating to zonal development (Ball et al. 2015). Figure 1: Process map of Coles (Source: Created by author) Evaluation of process The longer storage systems diminish the availability of the fresh produce in Coles thereby diminishing the nutritious value of the products, which ultimately reach the customers. The market policy of Coles also hinders the distinct food culture of the nation at the local level, as there is a distribution of the uniform range of fresh products nationwide and the minimization of seasonal variation of the products. The high corporate structure and market share of Coles have posed to be a problem in some aspects for the small producers and farmers who have to adapt to the demand-oriented system with a recognized range of products, accreditation guidelines and assertive pricing to supply their produce to Coles (Webster 2015). Coles has started to produce groceries under its private label, which has become a great concern for the smaller producers and local food networks, as their private labelled products are relatively cheaper than the branded products, and thus, they are steeply rising in popularity. Thus, the growth of private labelled products of Coles strictly hinders the development of the producers as well as the regional identity as it concerns with attaining lower price and consistent supply of products, which could be accomplished by big processors like Coles for supplying large-scale contracts. This not only minimizes the regional and local origin produce but also threatens the independent producers as they are exposed to high competition with the private labelled products. The towns and suburbs of Australia have contested the incursion of Coles into the local communities. Economies of scale enable goods to be sold at a lower price while the practice of predatory pricing which is the selling of key items at a lower price than a close competitor can entice the customers away from an established local business. Coles has often been perceived as intruders to the small-owned business community's norms (Economics 2012). The quality of the produce and the erosion of local autonomy show how Coles have adversely affected the community socially and economically. The sale of fresh products is subjected to a corporate level decision over the perceived appearance of the product and its quality. Thus while expanding its vertical integration and compulsory accreditation system Coles makes the situation problematic for the small producers. The increased market share of Coles by private labelled goods has encouraged a step forward at large scale, industrialized processing corporation to guarantee a consistent level of supply. This results in rising concerns for fair and transparent pricing policies. These affect the capability of the small producers to have their produce in stock in the store as the private labelled products of Coles commands an increasing share of the market and thus are shelf space. This also affects the uniqueness and the development of the small-scaled productions of the small producers. C oles' dominance has left negative impacts on the territories like Maleny and Mullumbimby, as they ideologically oppose the entry of supermarkets in their territories, regarding the loss of job, erosion of character of the local business and negative social impacts such as too much control over the decision of the local council (Le et al. 2016). Coles has dominated the food retail market due to three main reasons. Firstly, due to exceedingly sparse urbanized population, Australia has fostered large metropolitan food retailer over small and local retailers to develop. Secondly, wide dispersed hubs of habilitation, food producing centres and transportation network were a challenge for the small producers. Thirdly, the sparseness of the population of Australia accounts for favouritism to substantial economies of scale in order to keep the costs low. Consequently, concerns have also emerged regarding the sustainability and competitiveness effects, as there is an increase in the deliberat ion of the retail sector that particularly affects the small producers and retailers regarding selling power, buying power and retail (Webster 2015). Coles have raised concerns about the food retail sector and competitive issues by rebranding, re-modelling and new look marketplace strategies. This has separated retail into smaller specialist zones that aim to personalize and add range to the shopping experience. This has proved to be a conscious attempt of Coles to lure customers to shop fresh produce within its stores and stay away from the independent retailers. Thus, the shoppers shop for a wide variety of products in Coles and the sale of higher quantities automatically allows for increased profits without raising the price. It superficially blurs the division between corporatized food retail and a marketplace ambiance with separate purveyors for different products. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission found Coles involved in unconscious and deceptive trade practice by advertising its bread as freshly baked in store, which was in reality partly baked in store and frozen off-site by the supplier in 2014. Again, Coles was found guilty of demanding payments improperly from its suppliers. In both the cases, the Federal Court ordered Coles to pay a heavy compensation to serve a deterrent example for other traders from abstaining into unfair and deceptive trade practices (ACCC, 2016). Recommendations Coles can benefit by having flexible opening hours and sell medicines under prescription only. Coles need to revise its competition laws for healthy competition in the market. Coles must not engage in any form of unconscious and deceptive trade practice. They must put reasonable and acceptable conditions for the suppliers. They must take legal advice while undertaking commercial risks. The program acquisition must be reviewed to ensure that they adequately satisfy regarding both specialist skills and size. They must consult with commercial experts on key correspondence with the contractors and attend important meetings with them. Team members must be set up to implement the project management and proper governance of the recommendations. Coles must focus more on transformation and simplification agenda. They must eliminate bureaucracy. They must strongly offer for improvement agenda and provide proper training and education to the team members for better performance. They must try to eliminate complexity in their execution and improve it at the same time. They must outline clear, consistent strategy and proper accountability. They can focus on cultural and strategic alignment and work selectively to add new sites. They can drive convenience by taking initiatives in refurbishments and merchandising. They must focus on strengthening retail disciplines, expertise in supply chain, management team and cultural and strategic alignment. They can optimize their store network by brand and building respective brand strengths and sourcing global strategic position. They must aim to provide maximum benefit to its shareholders by providing them partial relief to meet the expected high proportion demands. Coles can also share turnarounds through Wesfarmers equity and provide full and fair price representing a significant premium to the shareholders.. They can also benefit the employees and the customers by having strong market focus, aiming for employee and customer satisfac tion by improving the values and convenience and providing a better environment to visit and work peacefully. They must always aim to retain their brand name (Holmes and Westbrook 2013). Conclusion After conducting this research work, it has been found that Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd is one of the most successful business chains in Australia. The new management team of Coles has restored pride in the brand name and has formulated a six-point plan to strengthen the trust of Australians in delivering quality products, service, and value. They do business keeping in mind that they have a responsibility towards its customers, the community, the suppliers and the environment. They are in constant practice to improve their efficiency within their supply chain, focusing on reducing wastes and emission of greenhouse gasses and adopting the methods of recycling. The company is trying hard to control its negative impact on the environment. The aim of this company is to provide quality products to their customers. However, the company is presently facing stiff competition from Woolworths. There are various smaller retail organizations developing in Australia who can sell product s at a cheaper value than Coles. It has increased the popularity of these smaller retail markets among the customers of Australia. The company is also presently facing issues related to deceptive advertisements. It has decreased the customer satisfaction for Cole's supermarket. There are some recommendations, which have been suggested given in this report in order to enhance the business performance of Coles. Reference ACCC,. (2016).Court finds Coles engaged in unconscionable conduct and orders Coles pay $10 million penalties.www.accc.gov.au. Ball, K., McNaughton, S.A., Le, H., Andrianopoulos, N., Inglis, V., McNeilly, B., Lichomets, I., Granados, A. and Crawford, D., 2013. Ball, K., McNaughton, S.A., Le, H., Andrianopoulos, N., Inglis, V., McNeilly, B., Lichomets, I., Granados, A. and Crawford, D., Ball, K., McNaughton, S.A., Le, H.N., Gold, L., Mhurchu, C.N., Abbott, G., Pollard, C. and Crawford, D., 2015. Economics, D.A., 2012. Analysis of the grocery industry, Coles Supermarkets Australia. Holmes, N.M. and Westbrook, R.F., 2013. Extinction of reinstated or ABC renewed fear responses renders them resistant to subsequent ABA renewal.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,39(3), p.208. Le, H.N., Gold, L., Abbott, G., Crawford, D., McNaughton, S.A., Mhurchu, C.N., Pollard, C. and Ball, K., 2016. Economic evaluation of price discounts and skill-building strategies on purchase and consumption of healthy food and beverages: The SHELf randomized controlled trial.Social Science Medicine,159, pp.83-91. Michael, K. and Mottram, L., 2013. Privacy Implications of Coles Supermarket Bank Push. Phillipov, M., 2016. The new politics of food: Television and the media/food industries.Media International Australia,158(1), pp.90-98. Webster, J., 2015. Supply chain accountability: How far does responsibility extend?: Recent enforcement outcomes in the trolley collecting industry. Webster, J., 2015. Whose trolley now?: Workplace liability moves up the supply chain.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Living In Sin Essays (251 words) - , Term Papers

Living In Sin Explication of ?Living in Sin? This poem's speaker is a woman who is disillusioned with, and may feel guilty about the relationship she is in. The studio apartment in which she lives, (maybe with her lover and/or husband) symbolically parallels the relationship. Lines 1-7 suggest that she used to have an ideal vision of the relationship (and the studio), but in the cold light of the morning, the vision disappears. The studio's deteriorated state symbolizes the state of the relationship. Another way to put it is that her perception of the studio's state reflects her sadness. She perceives the studio's disrepair when she has lost her rose colored glasses. Lines 8-14 describe more of the studio's messiness. For example, remnants of the previous night's love (the bottles of wine) now appear dead and empty, suggesting to me, that these signs of the studio's dirtiness, are symptoms of the problem but don't create the problem itself. The relationship seems to be the problem. In lines 15-22 the lover is described as bored and incommunicative. The speaker, perhaps motivated by her guilt, makes an attempt to clean the studio and just maybe, her allowing the coffee pot to boil over could be interpreted as symbolizing her allowing her lover to continue to behave as he does. The final four lines appear to indicate that while the speaker regains her idealized vision of the relationship at night, every morning, she knows that it will disappear again. Poetry and Poets

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Christmas Carol Essays

A Christmas Carol Essays A Christmas Carol Essay A Christmas Carol Essay Essay Topic: A Christmas Carol Literature At the time when dickens was writing the Christmas tradition was not nearly as important as it is today. The Christmas tradition gained popularity during the reign of Queen Victoria in England. One reason for this was that the monarchy supported it: Prince Albert, Queen Victorias husband brought the German tradition of decorating the Christmas tree when he came to England. Life in Victorian Britain for the poor and un-privileged was very hard as children were uneducated; they had very little money and therefore were unable to afford to go to school. Young children were being employed in factories and mines as chimney sweeps. Children were expected to help towards the family budget, often working long hours in dangerous jobs and low wages. On the other hand life for the richer and fortunate people was more relaxing and also benefitted them in many ways. Parents could afford to send their children to school to get a good enough education; some were very fortunate and were able to be tutored at home. It was cold, bleak, biting weather The fog came pouring in at every chink and keyhole. He used external coldness to reflect Scrooges cold nature. We are then introduced to Scrooges nephew, Fred, in a conversation. Dickens creates a contrast between the characters of Scrooge and Fred as Scrooge is described bitterly and with coldness and darkness whereas Fred is described cheerfully and with warmth and light. He makes us like Fred and dislike Scrooge by the way they are described. A frosty rime was on him. This is in contrast with the warm hearted Fred that he was all in a glow; his face was ruddy and handsome. This is similar to Romeo and Juliet where light and dark imagery and reveals the plays theme to reinforce the theme of the novel. As we hear the conversation between Scrooge and Fred we realise their different views about the goodness of Christmas. Scrooge is very negative about Christmas whereas Fred is positive about it. Throughout this section we are taken back to the theme of goodness. There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited. Fred is leading Scrooge to be like him in his goodness to people. Scrooge meets Marleys ghost and who says he must change his ways in order to help people through their journey of life, to do goodness, which is the message of the novel. In the second stave Scrooge is taken back into his past and this has an impact on Scrooges character. The spirit of the past takes Scrooge back to innocent childhood which is when we see the first sign of emotion from Scrooge, but fell upon the heart of Scrooge with a softening influence, and gave a freer passage to his tears. Scrooge muttered, with an unusual catching in his voice, that it was a pimple. In this stave the setting is in contrast to the first Stave as we begin in the coldness and grime of the negative urban city of London, then change to beautiful clear and bright positive rural setting. It was cold, bleak, biting; foggy withal. Some shaggy ponies now were seen trotting towards them with boys were in great spirits The spirit then takes him to Scrooges first employer, Fezziwig who was very kind to him and treated him well. We read about Scrooge at the Christmas party where Scrooge becomes emotional about the joy he had and realises there is more to life than money. Scrooge also feels regretful as he sees how an employer can make his employees jubilant and feels he has not done it for Bob Crachit. Fezziwig, bless his heart. There is further evidence that Scrooge is changing by his expression. His heart and soul were in the scene. He is already a very different character from Scrooge we met at his counting house. In Stave three as Scrooge lies upon his bed awaiting for something to happen and finally going to his door, a voice is heard.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Phyllis Schlafly Anti-Feminist Quotes

Phyllis Schlafly Anti-Feminist Quotes Phyllis Schlafly was perhaps most famous for her successful mobilization against the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution in the 1970s.   She is often associated with the backlash against the so-called second wave of feminism.   Before that, she was active in the ultraconservative wing of the Republican party, and she remained active on many conservative issues. See also: biography of Phyllis Schlafly About the ERA ERA means abortion funding, means homosexual privileges, means whatever else.   1999 About Feminism The cry of womens liberation leaps out from the lifestyle sections of newspapers and the pages of slick magazines, from radio speakers and television screens. Cut loose from past patterns of behavior and expectations, women of all ages are searching for their identity the college woman who has new alternatives thrust upon her via womens studies courses, the young woman whose routine is shattered by a chance encounter with a consciousness-raising session, the woman in her middle years who suddenly finds herself in the empty-nest syndrome, the woman of any age whose lover or lifetime partner departs for greener pastures (and a younger crop).   1977 The womens liberationist... is imprisoned by her own negative view of herself and of her place in the world around her.... Someone - it is not clear who, perhaps God, perhaps the Establishment, perhaps a conspiracy of male chauvinist pigs - dealt women a foul blow by making them female. It becomes necessary, therefore, for women to agitate and demonstrate and hurl demands on society in order to wrest from an oppressive male-dominated social structure the status that has been wrongfully denied to women through the centuries. 1977 Confrontation replaces cooperation as the watchword of all relationships. Women and men become adversaries instead of partners.... Within the confines of the womens liberationist ideology, therefore, the abolition of this overriding inequality of women becomes the primary goal. 1977 And the first commandment of feminism is: I am woman; thou shalt not tolerate strange gods who assert that women have capabilities or often choose roles that are different from mens. Feminism is doomed to failure because it is based on an attempt to repeal and restructure human nature. â€Å"The feminist movement taught women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy.... Self-imposed victimhood is not a recipe for happiness.† The Womens Lib movement has sealed its own doom by deliberately hanging around its own neck the albatross of abortion, lesbianism, pornography and Federal control. News flash: one reason a woman gets married is to be supported by her husband while caring for her children at home. So long as her husband earns a good income, she doesnt care about the pay gap between them. Characterizing feminists: Someone, it is not clear who, perhaps God, dealt women a foul blow by making them female. Men should stop treating feminists like ladies, and instead treat them like the men they say they want to be. Another silliness of the womens liberationists is their frenetic desire to force all women to accept the title Ms in place of Miss or Mrs. If Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan want to call themselves Ms in order to conceal their marital status, their wishes should be respected. But most married women feel they worked hard for the r in their names; and they dont care to be gratuitously deprived of it... 1977 Womens Nature Without womans innate maternal instinct, the human race would have died out centuries ago....The overriding psychological need of a woman is to love something alive. A baby fulfills this need in the lives of most women. If a baby is not available to fill that need, women search for a baby-substitute. This is the reason why women have traditionally gone into teaching and nursing careers. They are doing what comes naturally to the female psyche. The schoolchild or the patient of any age provides an outlet for a woman to express her natural maternal need. 1977 Men are philosophers, women are practical, and twas ever thus. Men may philosophize about how life began and where we are heading; women are concerned about feeding the kids today. No woman would ever, as Karl Marx did, spend years reading political philosophy in the British Museum while her child starved to death. Women dont take naturally to a search for the intangible and the abstract.   1977 Where man is discursive, logical, abstract, or philosophical, woman tends to be emotional, personal, practical, or mystical. Each set of qualities is vital and complements the other. 1977 About Women and the Military Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society. No country in history ever sent mothers of toddlers off to fight enemy soldiers until the United States did this in the Iraq war. Every country that has experimented with women in actual combat has abandoned the idea, and the notion that Israel uses women in combat is a feminist myth. Much of the demand for women in combat comes from female officers who are eager for medals and promotions. The purpose of our military is to field the finest troops possible to defend our nation and win wars. The goal of feminists however, is to impose a mindless equality, regardless of how many people it hurts. 2016 About Sex and Sexuality If man is targeted as the enemy, and the ultimate goal of womens liberation is independence from men and the avoidance of pregnancy and its consequences, then lesbianism is logically the highest form in the ritual of womens liberation. 1977 Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions. About why condoms should not be available to young women:  Its very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind or brain-damage [sic]  baby (even ten years later when she may be happily married). â€Å"How did the court feel empowered to put new limits on the settled law of Meyer-Pierce and give public schools the power to override parents on teaching about sex? Simple. The three liberal judges based their decision on our evolving understanding of the nature of our Constitution.   2012 About Transgender Issues Anyone with a child knows that children learn about the world through binary options: up or down, hot or cold, big or little, inside or outside, wet or dry, good or bad, boy or girl, man or woman. But the radical feminists, who staff womens studies departments at most colleges, have propagated the idea that we have to get rid of the gender binary along with the expectation of distinct roles for men and women. About Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women. About the Republican Party [F]rom 1936 through 1960 the Republican presidential nominee was selected by a small group of secret kingmakers who are the most popular opinion makers in the world. 1964 About International Issues It should be clear that teaching Americans we are now part of a global economy and teaching schoolchildren they are citizens of the world is a deceitful message to con us into a plan to add the poor countries around the Earth to our list of welfare handout recipients. 2013 About the United Nations: We certainly dont need a committee of foreigners who call themselves experts to dictate our laws or customs.   2012 It is a mystery why any Americans would support the concept of the EU. About Multiculturalism, Diversity, Race,  Immigrants The United States is the worlds most stunning example of a nation that has peaceably and successfully assimilated people from many disparate cultures. So why are some people trying to separate us into factions, emphasizing what divides us instead of what unites us? 1995 You cant be an American if you dont speak English. Our public schools should be mandated to teach all children in English. The most dangerous area where our laws are not being faithfully executed are the laws designed to protect Americans against the millions of aliens who enter our country illegally every year. How can we protect homeland security unless the government stops the invasion of illegal aliens? Birth on U.S. territory has never been an absolute claim to citizenship. In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession. Its not the physical location of birth that defines citizenship, but whether your parents are citizens, and the express or implied consent to jurisdiction of the sovereign. About Climate Change Of course, climate changes. Many changes are due to factors over which humans have no control, such as winds, ocean currents and sun activity. But the liberals want us to believe that climate change is also caused by gases expelled when humans burn so-called fossil fuels.  Ã‚  2011 About the Family â€Å"The American nuclear family made America great, but few are now defending it against forces determined to destroy it. If America continues to have many immigrants with different family types, we are less likely to maintain American values of personal freedom, individualism, and limited government.†Ã‚  2014 What I am defending is the real rights of women. A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother. People think that child-support enforcement benefits children, but it doesnt. First of all, I want to thank my husband Fred, for letting me come I always like to say that, because it makes the libs so mad! The United States: Exceptionalism The United States is a giant island of freedom, achievement, wealth and prosperity in a world hostile to our values. Education, Schools The cornerstone of the political correctness that dominates campus culture is radical feminism. The worst censors are those prohibiting criticism of the theory of evolution in the classroom. After Big Media, U.S. colleges and universities are the biggest enemies of the values of red-state Americans. Parents, are you ready to teach your kids arithmetic? 2002 National Standards was not a narrative of past events but was leftwing revisionism and Political Correctness. It is long overdue for parents to realize they have the right and duty to protect our children against the intolerant evolutionists. Our public school system is our countrys biggest and most inefficient monopoly, yet it keeps demanding more and more money. The most frequent complaint I hear from college students is that professors inject their leftist political comments into their courses even when they have nothing to do with the subject. Behind frequent protestations by public officials about local control of the schools, a federal curriculum has been quietly imposed by law. All the pieces are now in place for this major goal of the Clinton administration. Elementary and secondary school education used to be organized around subjects such as reading, math, history, geography, language and science. While smatterings of those subjects are still taught, the focus has been shifted from academic subject matter to teaching attitudes, beliefs, values, themes, behaviors and job skills. This is indoctrination, not education. Left-wing professors write the textbooks and the teachers unions control the public schools, so the ideology is what those groups deem politically correct. 2002 About Government, Judges Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous challenges to the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance. Under the nanny state of the left, nothing remains private for long. 2012 The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries, filth over cable television, and now unlimited internet pornography. About Obama â€Å"Obama has compiled a record of hostility to religion that is unmatched by any other president in American history. 2012 â€Å"Obama did not want to join a  historically Christian black church in Chicago that took traditional Christian doctrines seriously. Rather, he sought out  a liberal church that would help him advance his budding political career.† 2012 Should Obama win a second term, the justices he appoints will almost certainly unveil a bogus new constitutional right to gay marriage, discovered within the penumbras of Lawrence v. Texas. At which point Obama, drawing upon the faux-pained honesty he has perfected, can regurgitate what he wrote in his memoirs: that he was once on the wrong side of history† but has now happily come into the light.  2012 Others About Schlafly Betty Friedan in a 1973 debate with Schlafly: I would like to burn you at the stake.... I consider you a traitor to your sex, an Aunt Tom.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Peter's Declaration to Alexei Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peter's Declaration to Alexei - Essay Example This declaration in question partakes of the conventions of the ethical will, a didactic literary genre popular with Russian moralists of all political persuasions. However, instead of actually giving some moral and practical advice to Alexei, Peter decides to deprive him of his right to the inheritance of the throne. Peter I, though, does give reasons behind his attitude toward his son, one important issue being that Alexei does not even care to listen to him regarding the military affairs although they should be grateful to the military for being in the better position they were in now as compared to the previous times. It is apparent that Peter I felt that the art of war is something that should be known by every young man. He felt that it is the only way through which they can learn about order and defense and in Peter’s opinion, these two things are extremely important ingredients for there to be a well-ordered reign. Peter’s own son, however, failed in this area a nd it was his decision to disinherit him as he is of no use to the kingdom he would be getting after Peter I. Peter I felt that Alexei cannot rule without having the know-how of such things. Thus, without any hesitation, Peter gave his son the status of a lazy slave and made him appear as a good for nothing lad who can never make into this world. Peter, I was sad that he had not been able to change his son and make something out of him though he had tried every kind of action, including verbal and physical beatings and scolding.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Prevention of Violence in American Society Assignment

Prevention of Violence in American Society - Assignment Example Chante seems to regret her decision. It is because she confessed to the jury that she tampered with the evidence and did not commit murder. It gets also seen that after she had pulled into her garage, she lowered the door and sat down and then began crying and apologizing to Biggs who was moaning. Therefore, even though she made a call to help herself, we see her crying and regretting her decisions and apologizing to Biggs. She also blabbed, â€Å"Lord, I’m sorry, what do I do?† (MSNBC 2). Thus, it is evident that she regretted her decisions. First, once she hit the man, she could call 911 and ask for help from the police or any ambulance in order to save. Biggs could have survived because as she drove into her garage he continued to lose some blood; hence, making it more difficult to save his life. Alternatively, she could have driven to a nearby fire station, hospital or police station instead of driving towards her garage where she could not find any help. Therefore, the only step that Chante could have taken in that situation involves the police or other parties like health officers and not involving her friends who have no idea on handling the case. In this case, she could have saved Biggs’s life and get pardon on the jury for trying to save the Biggs’s life that got lost due to excess bleeding. The today’s technology could have changed the situation. The presence of CCTV in town makes it easier to monitor what went on in a certain event. The police could have easily identified the incident and follow her before she could do anything to tamper the evidence. The CCTV will also show the footage and determine how she reacted all that time after she hit the man and determine her real intentions in the event. Thus, the jury would have heard more evidence and change the verdict in the case, and the jury could have taken less time to determine the truth of the case.

Friday, January 24, 2020

A Deconstructionist Perspective of S. E. Hintons The Outsiders Essay

A Deconstructionist Perspective of S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders The unseen layers present in S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders make it possible for the reader to develop differing interpretations of the novel. The ambiguity of the text is recognized within the deconstructionist approach to literature. Deconstruction allows the reader to focus on particular elements in the text that divulge the underlying themes. In focusing on two key scenes in The Outsiders, deconstruction explains how Hinton's use of these scenes gives the reader insight into two opposing themes within the text. The two scenes consist of Ponyboy's and Johnny's confrontation with the Socs and also when Ponyboy and Johnny save the children in the burning church (54-57; 91-93). In these two scenes, Hinton manipulates the characters' reactions to illustrate two divergent readings of the text. Critics have consistently argued whether Hinton intended the text to be read as a realistic account of teenage life, or a text that embodies the idealism of youth. I believe the answer lie s within both interpretations, for the boys must face the reality of their actions and also individually come to terms with what or whom they consider worth dying for. In interpreting the text as a realistic account of teenage life, it is evident that the author deals with the real issues that youth face, such as violence and class conflict. The first key scene exemplifies these impending dangers with the boys' reactions to being surrounded by the Socs in the park. The narrator, Ponyboy, describes Johnny "as white as a ghost and his eyes were wild-looking: (54). Ponyboy implicates Johnny's earlier encounter with the Socs as the cause of Johnny's overwhelming fear. Ponyboy ... ... matter of an instant. In analyzing two key scenes from The Outsiders, the text belies the contradictory themes of the reality of teenage life and the idealism of youth. In focusing on these scenes, the reader observes how Hinton dismantles her own text with her use of oppositions in the reactions of Ponyboy and Johnny. Although two contrasting themes are represented, it is not necessary to choose between them. With the critical approach of deconstruction, the reader recognizes the significance of opposition within the text. I believe this simultaneous understanding of both discourses is the only way a reader can truly appreciate the depth of Hinton's work, for the greatest enlightenment stems from the realization that the true message lies within the many thematic shades of gray. Works Cited Hinton, S. E. The Outsiders. New York: Penguin, 1995.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Case Study of Personality Theories Essay

Abdul Hnnan a 12 year old boy, who has been presented with language, academic and behavior difficulties. Hnnan had a traumatic delivery and suffered from hypoxia. Hnnan’s early motor and language milestones were grossly delayed. He sat and crawled at 2.6 years of age and walked after 3 years. His language was delayed and he spoke his first words at 4.6 years to 5 years and in sentences after 5 years. His speech was unclear and could be understood by his parents at age 6 years. However, even now outsiders understood 75% of what he said. His gross motor skills and fine motor skills were poor. He started climbing stairs at 4 to 5 years and started pedaling at 5 years. He still could not pedal a bicycle, tie his shoelaces and button his shirt. Hnnan was a placid baby who did not respond, had no eye contact and had a squint. He slept for long hours and had to be force-fed. He was hyperactive, destructive and aggressive after 3 years. He banged his head. He disliked visitors and could get very distressed. He hated any object in the house being displaced and insisted on having everything in order. He was very difficult to manage. He liked to spin around and jump. At the age of 4 to 5 years, he started noticing other children and started taking interest in them. He became less hyperactive, less aggressive and was more amenable to instructions. However, presently he was still restless and jumped a lot. He could still spin around for hours. He liked being on his own but also could be talkative, over friendly and odd. He repeatedly asked the same questions and was naive. For example, during the interview he repeatedly asked â€Å"Can a cow hurt or not? What if I play with it, will it hurt me or not?† He had writing problems because of his hand tremors. He was always restless and distractible and could not sit for more than a few minutes. His memory was very good but his understanding was weak. His mother has to sit with him for hours to teach him language and concepts. He has difficulty with understanding complex or abstract concepts. He did not have problems in social interaction but had difficulties in social communication and imaginative and flexible thinking. Difficulties with self control is presenting as restlessness, inability to follow adult agenda and paying attention to other people, to what they might be saying, thinking or feeling. SOCIAL HISTORY Abdul Hnnan was born in Lahore, Pakistan by Pakistani parents. He was the first child in the family. His mother, Wajiha, had a positive family history. One of her cousins was mentally retarded. Hnnan was born at term. His mother had high blood pressure. The labour was prolonged, 11 hours and a caesarean was suggested but refused. He was born limp and blue. He had hypoxia. He was in NICU for 5 days. His birth weight was 2.54 kilos. He cried well after 15 days of life. Hnnan’s early motor and language milestones were grossly delayed. He started noticing children at 4 or 5 years and started taking interest in them. Hnnan’s younger sister, Amen, 3 years of age was very sociable and talkative. Hnnan’s father was more patient and his mother more irritable. Hnnan was very difficult till age 6 years and was aggressive, non-compliant and unreasonably demanding. As he grew older he became more co-operative and could be rationalized with. Whenever his mother asked him to do something he ignored 5 to 6 times. After that he started to argue. His mother used reprimands, bribes, threats and force to make him do things. Hnnan did not go to school. The family moved to Saudi Arabia when he was 7 years old. His parents took him to a Neuro-Developmental Pediatrician when he was 9 years old. His mother reported that he did not like to play with toys. All he did was jump on a bed or spin around. He was very restless and distracted and had a short attention span. He could be very stubborn and insisted on doing things his way. He was generally cheerful and friendly. He repeatedly asked the same questions and insisted that his parents answer them in the same way or he answered them himself. He watched the same cartoons repeatedly. He constantly jumped or spun around. He used to grab things from strangers. He ignored a child crying till age 5 years but after that he gradually became more empathetic. Hnnan avoided staying in crowds as he knew that he was different from others and that’s why people were laughing at him. After that his condition got better. Following difficulties may become apparent in early childhood: Problems performing subtle movements, such as tying shoelaces, doing up buttons and zip, using cutlery, handwriting. Many will have difficulties getting dressed. They have problems carrying out playground movements, such as jumping, playing hopscotch, catching a ball, kicking a ball, hopping and skipping. They have a higher tendency to bump into things, to fall over and to drop things. Some find it hard to go up and down stairs. Some have problems with using scissors, coloring, drawing, playing jigsaw games.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Social Networking And Its Impact On Society - 1327 Words

In today s world, the culture depends on they behaviors of humans. The Communities these days have become closer to each other â€Å"openness to experiencing and thinking about things from other points of view† (Zion and Kozleski, 2005, p.17) because the people from different cultures have openness of the whole worlds and they have idea about diverse cultures regardless the identity of the person his origin or religion. Culture had become the identity of our communities through our behaviors. It has many factors contribute to the formation of each individual’s cultural . Social networking between people contributed to the development of the individual culture and in the development of society. Own personal culture According†¦show more content†¦In the last week, we talked in class on the topic of cultures, and the subject was very exciting for me. We also brought a traditional dish, and three items to talk about it with the group. I prepared a sweet coffee with almond. This coffee is famous in the western region. We make in the first Islamic New Year. I was happy because it won the admiration of my classmates. I brought with me Oud Wood which is a distinct and beautiful smell. We use it to perfume the house as well as clothing. I also brought bracelets, it was a gift from my girlfriend when she traveled to Turkey. Finally, I brought a picture which includes me and my son when we went to Florida last year. The partner`s culture It is interesting to identify the variety and different cultures, because it enriches our knowledge of the world around us, and makes us feel that we evolve. With my group we had established a discussion about culture, and I did not find many differences between me and the group members. We first described our family, how we keep contact with family members, hobbies and communication styles. I learned about contact with family, about some of the habits that still affect our lives. Also I talked about the activities that practice them. Maha and Majida have the most habits in common with me about lifestyle and way of dealing with the elderly. In our family, we care about them